Install Guides

Here we have a few guides to help you get Crafty Controller up and running.

We currently support Windows 7/8/10, Ubuntu 18.04/19.04, and macOS 10.14+. While other Linux distros may work, we don't officially support them.


Select an install guide

Installation via Docker


  1. The latest Docker version, you can get it here
  2. The latest version of docker-compose
  3. git installed on your system


First, lets clone the crafty-web repository to the directory you want. For this tutorial, I will be using /opt/minecraft.

Open up a shell window and type:

mkdir /opt
cd /opt
git clone minecraft
cd minecraft
git checkout master

Next, put your minecraft server JARs into docker/minecraft_servers.

Once that is done, run the container in foreground mode first to get the admin user and password. After that, you can use the background mode.

Foreground Mode

docker-compose up

Background Mode

docker-compose up -d

Then just access crafty as you normally would. When specifying the minecraft server directory, please use /minecraft_servers

Install Crafty on Linux

Crafty can be installed on Ubuntu/Debian and CentOS Linux following one of two installation methods available: Automatic or Manual

Automatic Linux Install Script for Ubuntu/Debian

For a quick one-liner install, copy and paste the below into your terminal.

git clone && cd crafty-installer-linux && sudo ./

Manual installation steps (for Ubuntu/Debian, CentOS)

Requirements & Assumptions


Install Required Software

On Ubuntu/Debian variants, you can install required software via the command line by typing:

sudo apt install git python3 python3-dev python3-pip software-properties-common openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre

On CentOS variants:

sudo dnf groupinstall "Development tools"
sudo dnf install python3 python3-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
Create a directory for Crafty

Let's make crafty a place to live on your server. This guide will use /var/opt/minecraft/crafty as it's example.

sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/minecraft/crafty
sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/minecraft/server
Create a Crafty User Account
sudo useradd crafty -s /bin/bash
Change to the Crafty dir
cd /var/opt/minecraft/crafty
Clone Crafty Repo

Please be sure to be in the crafty folder before cloning the repo.

sudo git clone
Create a Virtual Environment
sudo python3 -m venv venv
Setup permissions for the folders
sudo chown crafty:crafty -R /var/opt/minecraft
sudo su crafty -
Activate the Virtual Environment
source venv/bin/activate
Go into the crafty-web folder that was cloned down
cd crafty-web
Install all the things / requirements
pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
Run Crafty:

Make sure you're still in crafty-web.


That's it! Crafty should now be running and asking some install questions. If you get stuck or Need help? Click here!

Install Crafty on macOS

These instructions will guide you to install Crafty on macOS. This guide was built taking macOS Catalina 10.15.2 in mind, but it should work for the most part in macOS Mojave 10.14.6 and macOS High Sierra 10.13.6. Anything older it probably won't and we won't cover it here.

Requirements & Assumptions


1. Install Pre-Requisites

macOS lacks a proper package manager and in order to install a couple of the required software via the command line you will need

Go to your /Applications/Utilities and launch or press Command+Space and type and hit return/enter key. Then paste the line below:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

The command above runs and you will see the installation progress. It will inform you that the Command Line Tools for Xcode will get installed.

Towards the end you will be asked to enter your account password then the installation will continue.

You will be notified when Brew begins downloading the Command Line Tools for Xcode and depending on your connection the download will take about 5 minutes. Once the tools have downloaded, they will install on your mac and the installation of Brew will be completed.

Installing Pre-Requisite Packages

This guide assumes you have the following software installed and up to date: Git, Python 3.7, and Java (Open JDK is fine).

First, install Git and Python 3.75

brew install git python3

then OpenJDK

brew cask install java

then upgrade pip

pip install --upgrade pip
2. Installing Crafty
Create a directory for Crafty

Let's make crafty a place to live on your server. This guide will use /var/opt/minecraft/crafty as it's example:

sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/minecraft/crafty
Setup permissions for the folder
sudo chown <your_username>:admin /var/opt/minecraft/crafty

For Example If your username on your mac is Totoro then the command will be: sudo chown totoro:admin /var/opt/minecraft/crafty

Change to the Crafty dir
cd /var/opt/minecraft/crafty
Create a virtual environment “venv”
python3 -m venv venv
Clone Crafty Repo

Please be sure to be in the crafty folder before cloning the repo. To check type pwd and make sure it says /var/opt/minecraft/crafty before you continue.

git clone

Switch to the crafty-web directory

cd /var/opt/minecraft/crafty/crafty-web

Then lets make sure we are on the latest snapshot and lets checkout

git pull
git checkout snapshot

Let's go up one directory

cd ..
Activate the Virtual Environment

Lets activate the Virtual Environment

source venv/bin/activate

your prompt will change to (venv) whateveryourprompt is:

Go into the crafty-web folder that was cloned down
cd /var/opt/minecraft/crafty/crafty-web
Install all the things / requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Crafty
How to Update
For updating you are going to repeat some steps listed above, but since you already must have done this before, the steps are listed below, just do them in that order. Please be sure to be in the crafty folder before cloning the repo. To check type pwd and make sure it says /var/opt/minecraft/crafty before you continue.
git clone
cd /var/opt/minecraft/crafty/crafty-web
git pull
git checkout snapshot
cd ..
source venv/bin/activate
cd /var/opt/minecraft/crafty-web
pip install -r requirements.txt

That's it! Crafty should now be running on macOS Catalina and asking some install questions. If you get stuck, or have additional questions on the macOS portion, reach out in Discord to Tempus Thales#2600 or you can click here Need help? Click here!

Run Crafty on Windows

Need help? Click here!


Crafty, as with all server managers, requires your server to be in a operational state. That means the Eula.txt and world folders are already created and in the same folder as your .jar file. Don't try to run Crafty with only a jar file in your server folder, it will crash.


  1. Download Crafty. This is easy. Go to the releases page and download the latest version of Crafty for your platform.
  2. Unzip Crafty.
  3. Double-click ‘crafty.exe'.
  4. Crafty should now launch.
  5. Follow the prompts to get Crafty setup for your environment.
  6. That's it!

If you get stuck Click ---> Need help? Click here!

Post Installation Configuration

Pre 3.0

The first time Crafty is run, it will ask the user a series of questions to help configure the product. The answers to these questions can be changed later if needed via the web console under the config area.

The installer does have defaults for fields saved already that will be used if nothing is entered into the fields. Upon completion of the installer, Crafty will start up using the settings defined during the Crafty configuration installer. It will then wait for the user at the console to enter the exit command (or stop) and will continue to run until such a command is given. The installer will automatically create a username (Admin) and a random 6 character password. Please change the password immediately via the web console to something more secure, we recommend a truly random 6+ word passphrase (See

Post 3.0

The first time Crafty is run, it will ask the user a series of questions to help configure the product. The answers to these questions can be changed later if needed via the web console under the config area. These questions will be presented upon first login to the management interface, rather than in the console like previous versions.

To log into the management interface, you will need to pen your browser and head to https://<your server ip>:8000/ and log in with the username Admin and password provided in the Crafty console.

The installer in this case does not have any defaults, so you will need to type in the desired settings manually. Upon completion of the installer, Crafty will start up using the settings you have defined. Please change the password immediately via the web console.

Installer Options

Question Description Default/Suggested (3.0 and above)
What folder is your server jar located in? Enter here where you'd like Crafty to look for your *.jar when starting your server. /var/opt/minecraft/server
What is the filename of your server.jar?? Enter the name of your server *.jar exactly as its written, this is what Crafty will look for to run. paperclip.jar
Server Maximum Memory Enter the maximum amount of memory you'd like your *.jar to consume. This is different than system total memory, and is not configured by Crafty. 2048
Server Minimum Memory Enter the minimum amount of memory you'd like your .jar to consume. This is different than system total memory, and is not configured by Crafty.Note, Minecraft flavors often require at least 512mb*. 1024
Additional Arguments If you'd like your server.jar to be run with any additional arguments, enter them here. n/a
Server Autostart If you would like your server to automatically start whenever Crafty is started, enter y. If not, enter n. y
Autostart Delay If you'd like Crafty to wait a bit before starting your server, enter the time in seconds here. 10
What port should the webserver run on? Provide the port you wish to connect to the Crafty WebUI on. 8000